About Me

(in about 452 words)


I am a software engineer with a focus on infrastructure and blockchain and a love for cloud-native technologies like Kubernetes and Helm. I did my B.Sc. at the University of British Columbia specializing in Honours Computer Science and Physics. I love the outdoors and nature, and spend my free time surrounded by it. That is when I am not looking at a screen.


I currently work for the team behind Synapse Protocol in Newport Beach, CA. We are a 10-person startup that builds and maintains blockchain infrastructure for one of the largest crypto bridges with over $43B in volume. We support 20 EVM and non-EVM chains. My expertise is in building infrastructure using Kubernetes for large workloads like blockchains and ERP.

Some history

  • Growing up in Bulgaria I always enjoyed studying English and wanted to move to an English speaking country.
  • In grade 8 I was terrified to take my first Physics class, but 10 minutes into the class I realized I absolutely loved it.
  • When applying for universities I ended up getting rejected for Physics and only accepted for CS degrees (which were my backup choices). I had to accept an offer for CS and transfer to Physics later on. However CS was quite enjoyable so I did both and now work entirely in the CS industry.
  • I didn't expect to spend 5 years at SAP, but I have constantly found new opportunities and challenges and enjoyed my work.
  • Moving to Coinbase was a calculated risk during a down market for Crypto, but so far it has panned out.
  • After joining Synapse I was the only DevOps engineer and got to setup our blockchain infrastructure the way I saw fit and learned a lot doing it.
  • Two months after meeting my girlfriend, we went backpacking in Southeast Asia for 3 months. It was a great experience and we are still together.

Ask me in person for other stories that I'm afraid to share with the internet.

I like

  • Hiking, Climbing, Skiing
  • Basketball, Volleyball, Surfing, Frisbee, Swimming, Running, Freediving
  • Travelling, Politics, Economics, Investing
  • Science, Physics, Chemistry
  • Drum and Bass, EDM, Dubstep
  • Blockchain, DeFi

Travel / Geography

  • I finished high school in Sofia, Bulgaria. I have since lived in Vancouver, Calgary, Zurich, New York and Los Angeles.
  • I've been to ~ 33 countries
    • Europe
      • Albania
      • Austria
      • Belgium
      • Bosnia and Herzegovina
      • Bulgaria
      • Croatia
      • England
      • France
      • Germany
      • Greece
      • Italy
      • Macedonia
      • Montenegro
      • Netherlands
      • Norway
      • Portugal
      • Serbia
      • Spain
      • Switzerland
      • Turkey
    • North America
      • USA
      • Canada
      • Mexico
      • Costa Rica
      • Cuba
      • Belize
      • Guatemala
    • South America
      • Peru
    • Asia
      • Indonesia
      • Japan
      • Philippines
      • Thailand
      • Singapore
  • I really want to visit
    • Australia
    • New Zealand
    • Vanuatu
    • Vietnam
    • Malaysia
    • China
    • Bhutan
    • Nepal
    • Mongolia
    • Jordan
    • Madagascar
    • Kenya
    • Tanzania
    • Egypt
    • Morocco
    • Namibia
    • Chile
    • Argentina
    • Bolivia
    • Equador
    • Colombia
    • Nicaragua